Insta – Photo Shapes

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<table class=»product-info-table»> <tbody><tr> <td>Category</td> <td> Photography </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Platforms</td> <td>Android 4.1.x, Android 4.2.x, Android 4.3.x, Android 4.4, Android 5.0, Android 6.0</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Frameworks</td> <td>Cocos2d</td> </tr> </tbody></table>


<!—?xml encoding=»utf-8″ ?—><h2 class=»clearfix»>Description <span class=»store-links» style=»»> <a href=»;hl=en» rel=»nofollow» target=»_blank» class=»google-play-button»></a> </span> </h2> <a class=»btn btn-wishlist visible-xs» rel=»nofollow» href=»″><i class=»ic ic-heart»></i> Add to wishlist</a> <div class=»user-description»> <p>Create stunning shapes for your beautiful photos easily with our Photo Shapes app. In this Photo Shape app you will get lots of shapes, option to add color to your shapes and inbuilt photo editor to make your image even more appealing. Currently in Shapes we have Heart, Nature, Animal and Star shapes categories are available. In each of those categories we have many more shapes available. Note:In this Application for Editing Image No Other Any External SDK Used its used GPUImage Library</p> </div> <h2>Features</h2> <div class=»user-description»> <p>Key Features</p><ol><li>App is exclusively designed for adding Shapes to your beautiful Images</li><li>Lots of popular shapes are included in this app</li><li>It takes less then a minute add Awesome shapes to your image</li><li>Option to change the shapes color</li><li>Option to Zoom in, Zoom out, Rotate, arrange image position inside the Shapes</li><li>Built in Image editor to edit your image easily in the app</li><li>Rate Feature on HomeScreen</li><li>Ad MOb:Banner &amp; Interstitial ad</li><li>Easy Customization</li><li>Eclipse project</li></ol><p>Shapes: In shape 4 category there with unique and different easily apply shape on image Color: In our Photo shape app we also provided an option to add color to shapes. By default all our shapes comes with white color, if you wish you can change the white color of the shapes to something else by clicking on color option. Choose any color that you wish to apply to your shapes and click ok to apply that color. Image Editor: Sometimes you may need to edit your photo without opening other photo editor apps. To make editing task easier we offered photo editing option inside the Photo shapes app itself. In photo editor option you will get Crop: Use this option to crop your images. You can use Custom or you can choose predefined ratios to crop your photo. Orientation: Easily rotate your image by using rotate option on this app. We also have Flip option to flip that image. Effects: Add beautiful effects to your images easily with our predefined effects themes. Just click on that image effects theme to apply to your image. Vintage: Add vintage effects to your image by choosing vintage themes. Overlay: Add overlay effects to your image by choosing overlay themes. Frames: Add beautiful frames to your image by selecting the frame from our frame designs. Border: Add border to your image with border color of your own choice and also you can increase or decrease border thickness easily with slider controller. Reset: Easily reset all the effects back to original image by clicking Reset button.</p> </div> <div class=»text-center»> <a href=»#» class=»btn btn-default btn-lg btn-view-options hidden-xs» id=»view_options_button»> View purchase options </a> </div>

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